Meet The Rave Babe: Bailee Stewart
acid smiley

Meet The Rave Babe: Bailee Stewart

Bailee Stewart kicks off our first edition of Meet The Rave Babe, where we highlight & learn more about some of our favorite Rave Babez!

babesRave Babez: Week of Feb 14th

Rave Babez: Week of Feb 14th

It's the week of love and what better way to express our looove for these Babez than by doing back to back Rave Babez features! We kick it off with @ROSALYRUBIO rockin' the heck out of our Groovy N...

babesRave Babez: Week of Feb 7th

Rave Babez: Week of Feb 7th

Check out our Rave Babez of the week featuring @Dani_Thorne, @Ghoulykin & more!

altarMEET THE MODEL: Shelby Cobra

MEET THE MODEL: Shelby Cobra

Check out our interview with our local Witch! Meet Austin's very own local High Priestess - Shelby Cobra - who modeled & set the scene for our brand new Potion Nailz press on set. Dive into her...

Rave Nailz 2022 Valentines Day Guide

Rave Nailz 2022 Valentines Day Guide

Valentine's Day will be here before you know it, so pour yourself a glass of wine & get to shopping!

celebsRave Nailz: Double Take

Rave Nailz: Double Take

We're back with another edition of Rave Nailz: Double Take! Those times where we see celebrity styles & think "hmmm, that sure does look like Rave Nailz!".  We'll kick this week off with Lady G...